Monday, March 9, 2009

Take Home Treatment Strategies

Strategies to decrease anxiety and increase structure and predictability will inevitably increase anticipation and overall success. Some strategies may include:

1. Using consistent routines.

2. Providing visual instructions, rules, and schedules. Focusing on the visual strengths of children with ASD will aid in social and academic independence.

3. Sensory Processing and Environmental Complexity: Being alert to signs of sensory overload or too much complexity in environment and redirecting to a quiet area or aiding in self-calming as appropriate.

4. Providing a picture menu of acceptable behaviors and aiding child in utilizing menu when needed.

5. Providing frequent breaks to calm nervous system and aid in attending.

6. Understanding the need for transition time and planning for it.

7. Structuring the physical environment into work, play, and relaxation areas where rules and expected behaviors are clearly stated.

8. Aiding in inference making by identifying the purpose of tasks.

9. Aiding in the executive function by organizing materials via color coding and prioritizing workload and determining due dates using picture schedules.

10. Using the child's area of interest to introduce new topics, challenging topics, or using the child's preferred interests as a reinforcer.

11. Aiding in appropriate responses by designating peer buddies for modeling.

12. Developing a functional communication system.

13. Teaching appropriate social responses and etiquette.

14. Modifying worksheets and test taking requirements.

15. Pre-teaching new concepts.

16. Providing opportunities for motor learning through repetition.

17. Providing opportunities to work on perceptual response timing/reactions to biological movement.


National Education Association (2006). The puzzle of autism. 1-44.

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