Environmental Complexity Issues:
Years of research has found supporting evidence that exposure to a complex environment enhances brain development and function. Some such enhancements found in laboratory animals include: improved spatial and nonspatial memory; decreased signs of aggressive behavior, decreased repetitive behavior; decreased stress reactivity; and decreased incidence of seizure activity (Lewis, 2004). In a 1990 study by Diamond, increased environmental complexity with the presense of toys and play experiences for animals, resulted in greater brain growth and a thicker somatosensory cortex. The toys in this experiment needed to be varied however for positive changes to occur within the brain, substantiating the need for novelty and complexity (Lin et al, 2005). In another 1990 study by Diamond, the researcher found that rats from environmentally complex environments demonstrated increased brain growth and peformed better on mazes. The rats that learned new complex motor coordination tasks, developed a greater number of synapses within the cerebellum than rats who experienced movement solely from a wheel or treadmill (Lin et al, 2005).
Years of research has found supporting evidence that exposure to a complex environment enhances brain development and function. Some such enhancements found in laboratory animals include: improved spatial and nonspatial memory; decreased signs of aggressive behavior, decreased repetitive behavior; decreased stress reactivity; and decreased incidence of seizure activity (Lewis, 2004). In a 1990 study by Diamond, increased environmental complexity with the presense of toys and play experiences for animals, resulted in greater brain growth and a thicker somatosensory cortex. The toys in this experiment needed to be varied however for positive changes to occur within the brain, substantiating the need for novelty and complexity (Lin et al, 2005). In another 1990 study by Diamond, the researcher found that rats from environmentally complex environments demonstrated increased brain growth and peformed better on mazes. The rats that learned new complex motor coordination tasks, developed a greater number of synapses within the cerebellum than rats who experienced movement solely from a wheel or treadmill (Lin et al, 2005).
Contrary to the positive effects a complex environment provides, a sensory deprived environment can have detrimental effects on brain growth and development. In several studies of impoverished orphanages, findings suggested that the longer the length of stay (>6-8 mths.), the greater the degree the developmental delay (Morison et al, 1995; Sweeney et al, 1995), growth delays, eating problems, social behavioral problems (Ames, 1997; Marcovitch et al, 1995) and attention and activity level problems (Morison & Ellwood, 1997). (Lin et al, 2005). Shortened lengths of stay were found to have better developmental outcomes. In a 2005 study by Lin et al, the researchers found that children from Eastern Europe orphanages who were institutionalized for longer lengths of time, achieved atypical sensory discrimination, praxis, and sensory modulation scores on the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT). The areas found to be most vulnerable to deprivation included: vestibulo-proprioceptive; tactile, visual; auditory; and praxis. In the research article by Missiuna et al, 1991, the author described how play deprivation in children with physical disabilities created secondary disabilities. Being unable to access and participate in play, increased children's reliance on others, decreased their motivation, created a lack of assertiveness, caused poorly developed social skills in unstructured environments, and lowered the child's self-esteem.
The benefits of a complex environment are almost always compromised for children with autism as their "odd" responses to sensory stimuli often cause them to avoid the very elements that help improve overall development (Minshew, et al, 1991). Avoidance behaviors additionally subject these children to the detrimental effects a sensory deprived environment creates. Some common differences in sensory processing demonstrated by persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) include an oversensitivity to movement, smells, touch, tastes, textures, and sounds. Temple Grandin and Donna Williams have helped us learn through autobiographical accounts, how it feels for a person with autism to process information from the world. They described sounds to feel like a "hearing aid stuck on super loud", a hug like "a tidal wave of sensation", and smells as overwhelming (Minshew, et al, 2008). Conversely, underresponsiveness to sensory input from their environment, can cause this population to be extremely passive and appear as a deaf or visually impaired persons. "According to arousal modulation theories of autism, an anxious or agitated response characteristic of overarousal and passivity and lethargy, characteristic of underarousal can interfere in this population's ability to attend to, process, and interact with the environment and can result in the failure to learn normative behaviors and skills from other people" (Lord & McGee, 2001; Prizant, Wetherby, Rubin, & Laurent, 2003; Siegel, 2003) (Goodwin et al, 2006). Anxiety disorders are highly present in children with autism and thought to be related to "panic-like levels of discomfort in response to environmental changes" (Goodwin, et al, 2006). Physiological responses to stress include changes in heartrate, hormone production, brain activation in the areas of emotion and memory, as well as other autonomic nervous system responses (changes in pupils, respiration's, digestion, and muscle tautness). Prolonged exposure to stress can contribute to chronic headaches, depression, a decreased immune response, and several other health related ailments. Physiological stress has also been found to interfere in memory and learning as it reverts the brain back to a primitive survival state.
The benefits of a complex environment are almost always compromised for children with autism as their "odd" responses to sensory stimuli often cause them to avoid the very elements that help improve overall development (Minshew, et al, 1991). Avoidance behaviors additionally subject these children to the detrimental effects a sensory deprived environment creates. Some common differences in sensory processing demonstrated by persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) include an oversensitivity to movement, smells, touch, tastes, textures, and sounds. Temple Grandin and Donna Williams have helped us learn through autobiographical accounts, how it feels for a person with autism to process information from the world. They described sounds to feel like a "hearing aid stuck on super loud", a hug like "a tidal wave of sensation", and smells as overwhelming (Minshew, et al, 2008). Conversely, underresponsiveness to sensory input from their environment, can cause this population to be extremely passive and appear as a deaf or visually impaired persons. "According to arousal modulation theories of autism, an anxious or agitated response characteristic of overarousal and passivity and lethargy, characteristic of underarousal can interfere in this population's ability to attend to, process, and interact with the environment and can result in the failure to learn normative behaviors and skills from other people" (Lord & McGee, 2001; Prizant, Wetherby, Rubin, & Laurent, 2003; Siegel, 2003) (Goodwin et al, 2006). Anxiety disorders are highly present in children with autism and thought to be related to "panic-like levels of discomfort in response to environmental changes" (Goodwin, et al, 2006). Physiological responses to stress include changes in heartrate, hormone production, brain activation in the areas of emotion and memory, as well as other autonomic nervous system responses (changes in pupils, respiration's, digestion, and muscle tautness). Prolonged exposure to stress can contribute to chronic headaches, depression, a decreased immune response, and several other health related ailments. Physiological stress has also been found to interfere in memory and learning as it reverts the brain back to a primitive survival state.
Goodwin et al, 2006. Cardiovascular arousal in individuals with autism. 21(2): 100-123.
Lin et al, 2005. The relation between length of institutionalization and sensory integration in children adopted from eastern europe. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 59. 139-147.
Lewis, M., 2004. Environmental complexity and central nervous system development and function. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews. 10: 91-95(2004).
Minshew, et al, 2008. Sensory sensitivities and performance on sensory perceptual tasks in high-functioning individuals with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 38:1485-1498.
Missiuna, et al, 1991. Play deprivation in children with physical disabilities: the role of occupational therapist in preventing secondary disability. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 45(10) 882-8.
ReplyDeleteIt is a challenge realizing that children with ASD benefit from environmentally complex environments but benefit from them. It is a fine line to expose them to the needed stimulation. The articles reviewed on schedules and deep pressure can assist to achieve this. Thanks for the information!